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No. 35 Interest in telework

Share of employed population who are interested (“very” or “somewhat”) in at least one type of telework

Base: All persons employed, weighted column percentages
Questions: E8
Source: SIBIS GPS 2002, SIBIS GPS-NAS 2003

The degree of interest in telework remains considerable: 40 percent of the EU workforce express interest in permanent telework (where practically all working time in spent at home), 52 percent in alternating telework (with at least one working day spent at home per week) and even 55 percent in centre-based telework (meaning workplaces provided by the employer in an office facility close to the employee's residence). Two in three are interested in at least one of these forms of telework. While interest in alternating telework is somewhat higher, the number of workers interested in permanent telework is still remarkable given the low actual spread of this method of work. The share of persons interested varies comparatively little between countries. This also applies to the Newly Associated States.

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