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No. 10 SMS services by age

Have you used SMS messages in the last four weeks? (EU-15)

Have you used SMS messages in the last four weeks? (NAS-10)

Base: Mobile phone owners, weighted column percentages
Question: A27
Sources: SIBIS GPS 2002, SIBIS GPS-NAS 2003

The most popular use of SMS, out of all of the usage options given in the SIBIS survey, is for communication, and this is a common pattern among all age groups. Once SMS becomes a tool used ubiquitously, this indicator would be interesting as a way of looking at not only the penetration of other new SMS services per se but also by age groups. For example, are the young more likely to download ringtones and logos than other age groups? It would also be interesting to look at the types of services used in the area of WAP technology to see how different age groups are using the technology, particularly as the under 25s are the main target user base for future multiple connections methods. In contrast to most other indicators on ICT usage, the candidate countries show higher SMS usage than the EU-15. Here, three out of four mobile phone users make use of text messaging.

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