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No. 11 Concerns regarding online security

Concerns regarding online security

Base: Regular Internet users, weighted column percentages
Questions: J1a, J1b
Sources: SIBIS GPS 2002, SIBIS GPS-NAS 2003

Citizens are generally concerned both about privacy/ confidentiality and data security. Concerns (particularly on privacy) seem to be lower in continental EU Member States and especially in most of the NAS countries – with Hungary as the lowest – than in the UK, Ireland or the US. The clear outsider from the general NAS tendency is Poland, where the share of Internet users stating they are “very” or “somewhat concerned” about data being mistreated is the highest of all countries. Differences between countries are likely to be caused by a large number of factors including the amount of negative experiences, the level of trust in the state and the functioning of society-at-large, and the level of awareness of issues surrounding data protection and privacy.

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