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No. 32 Discretion over starting and finishing times at work

“I can adapt my starting and finishing times (at work) according to my personal preferences”

Base: All persons employed excluding self-employed, weighted column percentages
Questions: H2
Source: SIBIS GPS 2002, SIBIS GPS-NAS 2003

Here, workers were asked whether they can, in their current work arrangement, adapt their daily starting and finishing times to their personal preferences. For answers a three-point-scale “strongly agree”, “somewhat agree” and “disagree” was used. Near to 50% of all persons employed in the EU state they have this kind of flexibility, half of which agree “somewhat”, the other half “strongly”. Even in Portugal and Spain, the countries with the lowest overall figures, more than one third benefit from this freedom. Workers in the Newly Associated States seem to have much less of this type of flexibility: here, three out of four workers state that they cannot choose starting and finishing times themselves.

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