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No. 59 Perceived trustworthiness of providers of health-related information

How trustworthy would you consider each of the following providers of online health-related information?

Base: Internet users, who have searched online for health-related information, weighted column percentages
Question: L5
Source: SIBIS GPS 2002

In both the EU and US, private health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies were a lot more likely than other organisations to be rated as untrustworthy sources of information by those who searched online for health-related information. Just under one in three in the EU (30.2%) and one in four in the US (23.7%) rated private health insurance companies as not trustworthy and one in four in the EU (25.3%) and one in six in the US (16.5%) rated pharmaceutical companies as not trustworthy. Of the other types of organisation, patient advocacy and self-help groups were somewhat more likely to be rated as not trustworthy, being so rated by just over one in twelve in the EU (8.6%) and by one in ten in the US (10.4%). Universities and other similar institutions were least likely to be rated as not trustworthy, being so rated by only one in forty in the EU (2.4%) and by just one in one hundred (1.0%) in the US.

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