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No. 58 Reasons for searching for health-related information (population)

Reasons for searching health-related information on the Internet (amongst the population)

Base: All respondents, weighted column percentages
Question: L4
Source: SIBIS GPS 2002

At the population level, when prevalence of Internet usage is taken into account, about one in ten of the EU population aged 15 years and older (10.6%) and one in three in the US (31.9%) searched the Internet to be better informed about their health, just under one in ten in the EU (9.8%) and just over one in four in the US (25.9%) searched the Internet for a second opinion on a medical diagnosis, and just under one in twenty in the EU (4.9%) and almost one in five in the US (19.1%) searched for information to support their role as a carer of an ill or disabled person.

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