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No. 72 Usage of eLearning

Share of employed population who used electronic learning material for work-related learning

Base: Labour force, weighted column percentages
Questions: C18a, C18b, C19a, C19b
Sources: SIBIS GPS 2002, SIBIS GPS-NAS 2003

eLearning can play a decisive role in delivering learning systems which meet the demands of today's workers - and the unemployed. SIBIS distinguishes between two broad groups of eLearning technologies: offline eLearning (comprising multi-media learning material such as computer programmes on diskettes, video tapes and CD-ROMs) and online eLearning (learning content being provided online through the Internet or the computer network of the employing organisation or school/ university). The share of the labour force that uses eLearning is 15% on average in the EU and 5% in the NAS, both of which is much lower than the 23% reached in the US.

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