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No. 39 Tele-cooperation

Share of employed population who use selected ICTs for cooperating with external work contacts

Base: All persons employed, weighted column percentages
Questions: A1, G1
Source: SIBIS GPS 2002, SIBIS GPS-NAS 2003

Evidence suggests that tele-cooperation, i.e. the use of information and communication technologies for collaboration across establishment borders, boosts worker productivity and innovative performance throughout the EU economy, since it allows flexible configurations of human capital without actually moving people from one place to the other. Tele-cooperation was operationalised for the SIBIS GPS as communicating with external business contacts via e-mail, video-conferencing or electronic data transfer. It is already widely in use in Europe with an average of almost 38% of EU and 16% of NAS workers practising it. For each of the three ICTs mentioned, the intensity of usage was assessed. E-mail and electronic data transfer are used at least once a day by more than three quarters and more than half of all people tele-cooperating, respectively.

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