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No. 51 Preference for online or traditional access to government services

Would you prefer to use the Internet or the traditional way for governmental services? (EU-15)

Would you prefer to use the Internet or the traditional way for governmental services? (NAS-10)
Base: Regular Internet users, weighted column percentages
Question: K1
Sources: SIBIS GPS 2002, SIBIS GPS-NAS 2003

Demand for online as an alternative to traditional access to government services varies across services. EU citizens show a significant preference for some eGovernment services, while for others they still prefer the traditional way of doing things. Online searching for books in public libraries, which requires minimal information about the user, is preferred by the large majority. Least demand exists for online declarations to the police, which requires that a great deal of private information be divulged. The amount of personal information required is only one explaining factor for the preferences of citizens; for instance, familiarity with the online service and experience using the Internet are also likely to play a role.

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