empirica, prime contractor, private research
and consulting organisation specialised in telematics, telework
new ways of work, e-commerce, TeleCare and Telehealth (D)
Werner B. Korte (werner.korte@empirica.com)
Karsten Gareis (karsten.gareis@empirica.com)
Oxfordstrasse 2 in 53111 Bonn - Germany - Tel. ++49.228.985300 - Fax
++49.228.9853012 - www.empirica.com;
Technopolis, a private sector research
and consulting organisation specialising in studies and evaluation
of Innovation and Technology Policy, Information Society issues, Regional
Development and clusters, and SME Support Programmes (UK)
Rebecca Alden, (rebecca.alden@technopolis-group.com)
Maria del Mar Negreiro (maria.delmar.negreiro@technopolis-group.com)
3 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton, BN1 1EE UK - Tel: +44.1273.204320
- www.technopolis.co.uk
Databank Consulting (DBC), a market research
and consulting company (I)
Gabriella Cattaneo (cattaneo@dbcons.it)
Kurt Allman (allman@dbcons.it)
Corso Italia 8, 20122 Milan - Italy - Tel ++39.02.72107508 - Fax ++39.02.72107402
- www.databank.it/dbc
Work Research Centre Ltd., an independent
research, consultancy and training company (IRL)
Dr. Richard Wynne (r.wynne@wrc-research.ie)
Ivica Milicevic (i.milicevic@wrc-research.ie)
1 Greenlea Drive, Terenure, Dublin 6W -Ireland - Tel ++353.1.4927042
- Fax ++353.1.4927046 - www.wrc-research.ie
Danish Technological Institute, an independent,
non-profit institution approved as technological service agency by
the Danish Ministry of Business and Industry (DK)
Soeren Eliasen (soren.eliasen@teknologisk.dk)
Jeremy Millard (jeremy.millard@teknologisk.dk)
Gregerensvey, PO Box 141, 2630 Taastrup - Denmark - Tel ++45.72.202000
- Fax ++45.72.202019 - www.teknologisk.dk
Stichting RAND Europe is an independent
European thinktank that serves the public interest by informing policymakers
and finding solutions to complex societal problems.
Maarten Botterman (maarten@rand.org)
Irma Graafland-Essers (graafland@rand.org)
Leon Cremonini (leon@rand.org)
Newtonweg 1, 2333 CP Leiden - The Netherlands - Tel ++31.71.5245176
- Fax ++31.71.5245191 - www.randeurope.org
Fachhochschule Solothurn Nordwestschweiz,
a university of applied sciences with a special focus on economics
Prof. Dr. Najib Harabi (najib.harabi@fhso.ch)
Franz Barjak (franz.barjak@fhso.ch)
Riggenbachstr. 16, 4600 Olten - Switzerland - Tel. +41 (0)848 821
011 -
Fax: +41 (0) 62 287 7845 - www.fhso.ch
ASM - Centrum Badan i Analiz Rynku Sp.z.o.o.
Elzbieta Syrda (syrda@asm-poland.com.pl)
Maria Goreczna (international@asm-poland.com.pl)
Grunwaldzka 5, 99-301 Kutno, Poland - Tel ++48.24.3557715 - Fax ++48.24.3557701
- www.asm-poland.com.pl
Datorikas Instituts - Computer Science Institut
Mara Gulbe (mgulbe@latnet.lv)
Arnis Gulbis (arnisg@di.lv)
Raina Blvd. 29, 1050 Riga, Latvia - Tel ++37.1.9544139 - Fax ++37.1.7820153
- www.di.lv
Economics Faculty / Universitatea "Dunarea
de Jos" Din Galati
Emil Constantin (econstantro@yahoo.com)
Doinita Ariton (dariton@univ.ugal.ro)
Danut Iordachescu (dan_iord@yahoo.com)
Str. Domneasca 47, 800 008 Galati, Romania - Tel
++40.236.413602 -
Fax: ++40.236.461353 - www.ugal.ro
Socialines Politikos Grupe
Jolanta Rimkute (spg@takas.lt)
Laura Bulybenko (spg@takas.lt)
Vivulskio Str. 10-26, LT-2006 Vilnius, Lithuania - Tel ++370.5.2650506
- www.spg.lt
Department of Information Systems, Univerzita
Komenskeho V Bratislave Fakulta managementu
Michal Gregus
Dusan Soltes (dusan.soltes@fm.uniba.sk)
Odbojarov 10, 82005 Bratislava, Slovakia - Tel ++421.2.50259430 -
Fax ++421.2.55566703 - www.fm.uniba.sk
SC&C spol. s r.o.
Irena Bártová (ibartova@scac.cz)
Karolina Sakova (ksakova@scac.cz)
Americká 21, 12000Praha 2 - Czech Republic - Tel ++420.2.22511221
- Fax ++420.2.22512800 - www.scac.cz
Ikonomicheski institut pri
Balgarska Akademiya na Naukite
Rossitsa Chobanova (rossich@mbox.infotel.bg)
3, Aksakov Str., 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria - Tel ++359.2.761227 -
Fax ++359.2.761227 - www.iki.bas.bg
Estonian Institute of Economics at
Talinn Technical University
Urve Venessar (venesaar@tami.ee)
Estonia Avenue 7, 10143 Tallinn, Estonia - Tel ++372.6.455755
- Fax ++372.6.998851 - http://www.tami.ee
RIS, Faculty of Social Sciences, University
of Ljubljana
Vasja Vehovar (vasja@ris.org)
Kardeljeva pl. 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel ++386.1.5805297 - Fax ++386.1.5805101
Budapest University of Economic Sciences and
Public Adminstration
József Temesi (Temesi@pegasus.bke.hu)
György Lengyel (gyorgy.lengyel@soc.bke.hu)
Fövam tér 8, 1093 Budapest, Hungary - Tel ++36.1.2175172
- Fax ++36.1.2174482 - www.bke.hu/szoc
Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia
Ülle Marksoo (ylle@sm.ee)
Gonsiori 29, 15027 Tallinn, Estonia - Tel ++372.6.9773 |